Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First Impression...

I Strongly Don't Believe In "First Impression Is The Last Impression" As Human Is Such A Versatile Creature On The Earth That Can't Live Without A Change. Whatever We Are Now Is Result of A Long Chain of Continuous And Regular CHANGES. We Have MIND And We Always Use It To ANALYZE Things, Situations And of Course; PEOPLE. Even If We Use It To Analyze Ourself We'll Find That We Are No More Today Whatever We Were Used To Be Earlier; We Also Have Been Changed.
So With The Following Nice Quote I End Up; We Should Give Chances To Others To Make Their IMPRESSION The Best (At Least We Should Not Stick To This Strict Approach of First Impression Is The Last Impression...)

So Here Is A Your Quote:
"Never Judge A Person On His/Her Family Basis..."

All This Is My Opinion, My Own Philosophy...Some of You May Not Agree With This One...But Anyway Thanks For Your Time You Spent Here...

"Aashish Maurya"